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Criteria For Review

Answer the following two questions about your proposed project to determine if you need to submit an application to the IRB.

a. Is the proposed activity research?

Research is a systematic investigation that includes 1) research development, 2) testing, and 3) evaluation and is intended to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.

For more information see Administrative Procedures Section 5.1

If YES, proceed to the next question.

If NO, IRB review is not required and you do not need to complete a form.

b. Does the proposed research involve human subjects?

"Human subject" is a "living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research obtains 1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or 2) identifiable private information" (for example, information gathered through surveys or questionnaires).

If NO, IRB review is not required and you do not need to complete a form.

If YES, your proposal will fall into one of three review categories.

  1. Full Review -- Criteria and Full Board Submission Form
  2. Expedited Review -- Criteria and Expedited Submission Form
  3. Exempt Review -- Criteria and Exempt Submission Form
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February 20, 2025